Decolonizing Mental Health Education
DSPAI’S Jude Bergkamp featured on The Seed Field Podcast where several Antioch faculty share how they are working towards decolonizing mental health education. Bergkamp discusses his push away from multiculturalism and towards a new paradigm.
DSPAI’s Shirley Lo Wins Prize at APA
Shirley Lo’s poster, The experience of colonization and decolonization: A case study of the “Hong Konger” wins prize at APA 2023 conference. Lo’s interview discusses her experience at APA, the risks of studying politicized topics, and her future aspirations involving advocacy work related to Hong Kong, as well as continuing research on coloniality, social justice…
Psychological Safety?
Morgan Rutkowski Humans have an innate need to feel safe and secure to survive. But, the literature has noted that there are differences between physical and psychological safety. While physical safety concerns “the absence of physical hazards”, psychological safety is the “absence of interpersonal fear” (Physical and psychological safety, n.d.; McKinsey & Company, 2023). More…
Dr. Bergkamp Elected NCSPP President
We are excited to announce the election of Dr. Jude Bergkamp as the incoming President of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP). His 3-year term will begin on August 1, 2023.
Pathways to the therapist paragon: a decolonial grounded theory
In June 2023, Dr. Bergkamp and colleagues published an article in the APA flagship forensic psychology journal of Frontiers in Psychology. The article asserts that while many professional associations within clinical and counseling psychology have made an aspirational call for clinician awareness of social position, there is a lack of research into how socially-conferred privilege impacts psychotherapy. The article explores the differences in race and gender within the therapeutic dyad, in which there is a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color)/white or male/female-identified dynamic.
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Social Justice Symposium Presentations Are Available to View!
In February of 2023, faculty and students from Antioch University Seattle and Antioch University New England collaborated to present the 2nd Annual Antioch University Social Justice Symposium. The theme of the symposium was “Liberation from Colonialism Now: Promoting Research Activism”. Among the presenters were student’s from Antioch University Seattle’s Decoloniality & Social Privilege Awareness Initiative. Students presented on a variety of projects that called for action on social justice and decolonization.
In February of 2023, faculty and students from Antioch University Seattle and Antioch University New England collaborated to present the 2nd Annual Antioch University Social Justice Symposium. The theme of the symposium was “Liberation from Colonialism Now: Promoting Research Activism”. Among the presenters were student’s from Antioch University Seattle’s Decoloniality & Social Privilege Awareness Initiative. Students presented on a variety of projects that called for action on social justice and decolonization.
Recordings of presentations are available to view. Please click the button below to view a list of the recorded presentations.
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An Uncomfortable Tension: Reconciling the Principles of Forensic Psychology and Cultural Competency
In March 2023, Dr. Bergkamp and colleagues published an article in the APA flagship forensic psychology journal of Law & Human Behavior. The article asserts that philosophical pillars of forensic psychology and cultural competency are not compatible and require critical review for alignment. In addition, the article provides a comprehensive guide on how to incorporate cultural considerations into forensic practice. AUS Psy.D. student, Magen Hauser, and adjunct faculty, Dr. Katie McIntyre were also contributing authors.
APA Presidential Task Force on Culturally Informed Trauma and Grief Recovery
In March 2023, Dr. Bergkamp was appointed by the current American Psychological Association (APA) president, Dr. Thema Bryant, to serve on the APA Presidential Task Force on Culturally Informed Trauma and Grief Recovery. He was selected for his expertise in decolonial and Buddhist psychology.
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Dr. Bergkamp of DSPAI Appears on The Seed Field Podcast
Last week Dr. Bergkamp of DSPAI appeared on The Seed Field Podcast. The episode is entitled “Reconciling Psych’s Problematic Foundations With Its Transformative Potential”.
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The Therapist Paragon: Maintenance of a Colonial System
At a recent meeting of the Decoloniality and Social Privilege Awareness Institute (DSPAI) we engaged in travel of time and place, all from the comfort of our Zoom squares. Through photographs, stories, and reflections, we traced a journey of one of our members that crossed continents and generations. We virtually visited Tibet, India, Africa, and several branches of family and friends.
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Dr. Bergkamp of DSPAI Presents at NCSPP 2023 Conference
Although the American Psychological Association encourages clinical psychologists to recognize and understand the experience of social privilege both within themselves and the individuals and communities they serve, there is a dearth of research in the field to guide this pursuit.
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Dr. Bergkamp and Colleagues Publish New Article
Although the American Psychological Association encourages clinical psychologists to recognize and understand the experience of social privilege both within themselves and the individuals and communities they serve, there is a dearth of research in the field to guide this pursuit.
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Social Justice Symposium: The Presenters
We are so excited about our upcoming social justice symposium. Please make sure you register and make plans to attend this free online event. Today we are sharing a bit of information about our presenters. Remember, this event is happening this Saturday; to participate, all you need to do is register!
Social Justice Symposium: Neurodiversity and Social Action
Join us at this online university event! Drawing on scholarship and action conducted in the Decoloniality and Social Privilege Awareness Initiative at Antioch University Seattle within the PsyD Program. This presentation explores oppression and its dismantling through the lens of the eight cognitive functions first proposed by Carl Gustav Jung.
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Social Justice Symposium: Colonialism, Control, and Copulation
Join us at this online university event! Drawing on scholarship and action conducted in the Decoloniality and Social Privilege Awareness Initiative at Antioch University Seattle within the PsyD Program. In this presentation, Colonialism, Control, and Copulation: A Primer on Reproductive Justice, the relationship between coloniality and reproductive justice in the United States will be explored.
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Social Justice Symposium: Sexual Violence Against Asian American Women
Join us at this online university event! Drawing on scholarship and action conducted in the Decoloniality and Social Privilege Awareness Initiative at Antioch University Seattle within the PsyD Program. This session will aim to facilitate a conversation about sexual violence against Asian Americans and to examine how to bring community actions and liberation into clinical psychology practice and education.
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Symposium Info: Decoloniality in the Study and Practice of Psychology
Join us at this online university event! Drawing on scholarship and action conducted in the Decoloniality and Social Privilege Awareness Initiative at Antioch University Seattle within the PsyD Program. This session will provide an overview of decoloniality in the study of psychology.
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Liberation from Colonialism Now: Promoting Research Activism
Join us at this online university event! Colonialism is not purely a historical concept. We are witnessing it in Eastern Europe, and we can witness it internationally and locally in everyday interactions, clinical encounters, research, systems, institutions, and cultures.
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DSPAI Members Publish New Article
Although the American Psychological Association encourages clinical psychologists to recognize and understand the experience of social privilege both within themselves and the individuals and communities they serve, there is a dearth of research in the field to guide this pursuit.
It’s In Our Blood
At a recent meeting of the Decoloniality and Social Privilege Awareness Institute (DSPAI) we engaged in travel of time and place, all from the comfort of our Zoom squares. Through photographs, stories, and reflections, we traced a journey of one of our members that crossed continents and generations. We virtually visited Tibet, India, Africa, and several branches of family and friends.
Thoughts on “Research Activism”
Nell Andersson This week in DSPAI lab, members had a discussion about research activism. A number of members expressed their hesitancy to align with the term, due the historical separation of activism and research. Much of this hesitancy appears to be rooted in an internalized colonial mindset. To call ourselves “Research Activists” would mean breaking…
DSPAI’s Jude Bergkamp Joins Historic Task Force
Jude Bergkamp, the Chair of the PsyD in Clinical Psychology at Antioch Seattle, was recently chosen for the prestigious Competencies Task Force of the American Psychological Association. Bergkamp sees this appointment as an opportunity to shape generations of psychologists to come. As he says, “We have to get folks trained up and ready to face the…
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My Journey of Understanding Privilege
Magen Hauser My name is Magen and I’ve been in DSPAI for a year. My agent identities are that I am a White, cisgender young adult and United States citizen with a Christian, heteronormative upbringing. My target identities include being female, bisexual, agnostic and physically disabled. My journey of understanding privilege before joining this group…
Thoughts on ICD + SJ
Dr. Melissa Kennedy 1) APA mandated competency of health service psych – ICD: The strengths of the competency are that it offers insight into the lived experiences of clients/patients and offers some glimpses of the Coloniality of Being. However, the current literature and perspectives do not consider the Coloniality of Power and the “dark side”…
DSPAI Free Writing
Cynthia Scheiderer We have an APA mandated doctoral level competency of health service psychology called individual and cultural differences. How do you now understand the ICD competency and what are some of the strengths and weaknesses? I understand ICD as a way of wriggling off the hook. It puts the focus on the other, distancing…

Decolonizing Mental Health Education
DSPAI’S Jude Bergkamp featured on The Seed Field Podcast where several Antioch faculty share how they are working towards decolonizing mental health education. Bergkamp discusses his push away from multiculturalism and towards a new paradigm.